Saturday, September 11, 2010

Risen from the bed

12:30 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 11, 2010 – La Casa, Palenque, Mexico


It’s been a few days since I’ve recorded my doings, and that’s because I haven’t really been doing anything. I started feeling under the weather Wednesday night, but hoped a good night’s sleep would cure me and I would be ready to go back into the field Thursday. This was not the case, and I woke up with my throat completely swollen shut and a fever. Needless to say I did not try to go into the field. Forcing yourself to go to school or an office job while feeling a little sick is one thing, but this isn’t’ exactly the environment where you can get away with that. And it’s a shame because Thursday was supposed to be my first day working with Sarie on her project in the national park, and I was eager to learn the ropes.

Another consequence of my falling ill was that it may have squandered our chances of taking advantage of a unique opportunity. Apparently an infant howler monkey was turned into the rehabilitation clinic a few days ago. The vet can’t take care of him outside of work hours, and wanted us to watch over him for the evenings and nights while we’re not in the field. We of course all jumped at the chance, even though it means the long dedicated hours of early parenthood, which include getting woken up at 3 a.m. by a crying child. Er…monkey. However, if I don’t get better soon then he’ll have to find another home, because his immune system is doubtlessly weak and should not be exposed to my germs. Everyone’s being really nice about it, but I’m going to feel awful if I lose this chance for us. Dr. Estrada said he would come by tomorrow to see how I’m doing and to make the decision.

Luckily though, today I felt a lot better.

And on the third day I arose from the bed, and ascended into healthiness, and sitteth at the right hand of Estrada, the professor almighty, who shall thence come to judge the sick and the dead.

Blasphemy aside, I think there’s hope for us and the little monkey yet.

Though I’m probably ready for the field tomorrow, it will actually be the start of our four day break. We work on a three day on, one day off schedule, with four days off every three rotations. The four of us with the same rotation are trying to decide what we want to do for our break. Since we’ve all arrived within the past month (me being the most recent), we’ll probably just explore the sights around here first, and venture farther out on future breaks. Mexico’s Independence Day and bicentennial is September 15th/16th, so it would be nice to go to a big city for the all night party. But unfortunately we’ll have to be back to work by then. Sigh, missed opportunity. I’m still disappointed I’m two years early…wish I was going to be right in the middle of the Mayan Ruins for the end of the world party December 21, 2012. But I can always come back!


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